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Apply for Services
San Diego and Imperial County

To Learn More About Regional Center Services and Eligibility

For San Diego and Imperial Counties:  

Individuals Age 3 and Over email us at or call 858-576-2938

For Children Age 0-3 email us at or call 858-496-4318

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Apply for Early Start Services for Children 0-3 Years Old

Your request for service starts with a phone call.


The EFRC Family Support Liaison will explain the Early Start Program and gather information about your child needing services during the call. The coordinator will secure your permission to share the information with the Local Education Agency infant program. A referral is made for a service provider to contact you for an evaluation if your child has not had one. A service coordinator is then assigned to coordinate the assessments and plan for needed support and services. Eligibility must be determined within 45 days of the initial request. If the child is found eligible for the program, an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is developed in collaboration with the family and any other participating agencies providing early intervention services. If the child is found not eligible, the family will be referred to other appropriate resources to address their concerns.

In San Diego and Imperial County, the intake process for California Early Start was designed to allow for multiple points of entry into the program. A referral can be made to one of several participating agencies to request service.

Apply for Services for Individuals
Age 3 and Over

The request for services generally starts with a phone call to an On-Call Coordinator who explains the SDRC services and gathers information about the applicant.

If the applicant is deemed appropriate for an assessment, an Intake Service Coordinator is assigned to his or her case and contacts the family to schedule an appointment.


The appointment provides an overview of available services through SDRC and an explanation of the intake process. The application forms are also completed with the help of the coordinator. Eligibility is required to be determined within 120 days following the intake meeting.


If the applicant is eligible for regional center services, a meeting is held to formulate an Individual Program Plan (IPP). The plan must be completed within 60 days of the eligibility determination. For ongoing services, the case is transferred to a Client Services unit serving the geographic area in which the client resides.

If a person is found not eligible for services within the regional center's definition of a developmental disability, the coordinator will refer the person to community resource(s), and the case will be closed. If the person and family disagree with the decision, they will be given information about the appeal process.

To Start a Request For Services (Ages 3 and Over)

1)  Submit the Initial Contact Form(s). Please read new instructions/procedures before submitting the electronic Initial Contact Form via SeamlessDocs.

Initial Contact Form for Ages 3-17: English | Spanish | Farsi | Arabic | Vietnamese | Tagalog | Chinese

Initial Contact Form for Ages 18 and Up: English | Spanish | Farsi | Arabic | Vietnamese | Tagalog | Chinese

*MUST be initiated by the adult applicant or legally appointed conservator.

2)  The SDRC Intake Services will review the information and contact you.


3)  Download the Resource List of Services in the San Diego area.


The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) define requirements for designers and developers to improve accessibility for people with disabilities. It defines three levels of conformance: Level A, Level AA, and Level AAA. San Diego Regional Center is partially conformant with WCAG 2.0 level AA. Partially conformant means that some parts of the content do not fully conform to the accessibility standard.

We welcome your feedback on the accessibility of the San Diego Regional Center. Please let us know if you encounter any accessibility barriers.

4355 Ruffin Rd. San Diego, CA 92123

Phone  858.576.2996

Fax  858.576.2873

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