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EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2024 - Learn more

Service Provider Announcements

Palm Trees

New DDS online Provider Directory launching in Spring/Summer 2024! Get ready to validate your provider information

In Spring/Summer 2024, DDS is launching an online Provider Directory. Its full capabilities will be released in phases. In the first phase, service provider owners and designated regional center representatives will be invited to create an account and collaborate to ensure accurate provider information is in the system. Support, including on-demand training, will be available soon. Questions? Email us at or visit us online at

Provider Directory Regional Center Communications Support Toolkit - NOW AVAILABLE

SB 616 updates the 2014 Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families act, granting employees the right to earn 40 hours or 5 days of sick leave within their first 200 days of work each year. Vendors under Title 17, California Code of Regulations, can ask for a rate increase to meet this requirement, as outlined in this letter detailing the affected vendors and the adjustment process. 


Vendor Rate Adjustment for Employee Sick Leave

Please join us for a virtual quarterly training series to review the health & safety  waiver process as it applies to transportation vendors. 
Topics will include: • Eligibility • Application process • Q&A


Health & Safety Waiver Transportation Training

Person-Centered Career Plan Service Provider

All individuals using the Coordinated Career Pathways (CCP) service are required to have a Person- Centered Career Plan (PCCP). The Career Pathway Navigator (CPN) will facilitate the planning process, document the plan, oversee its implementation, and monitor progress.

Learn: • what a PCCP is • How it is used • Who should be involved; and much more.


Germinated Plant
Enjoying the Woods

Coordinated Career Pathways

Are you interested in becoming a Coordinated Career Pathways provider?

The following INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEO is how to bill SDRC for cancelations and closures due to the State of Emergency that was in effect between
January 22, 2024 and February 9, 2024

Taking notes together

Community Resource Development Stakeholder Meeting

Thursday, September 28 from 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Meeting Registration and Zoom Link

CalAIM: Intermediate Care Facility for the Developmentally Disabled (ICF/DD) Carve-In 101 for ICF/DD Homes Webinar - The goal of these webinars is to provide stakeholders with an understanding of the ICF/DD carve-in policy requirements, and how to best prepare to support members when all Medi-Cal managed care plans will be required to cover and coordinate institutional long-term care for members residing in an ICF/DD starting on January 1, 2024.

Monday, August 21 from 2:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.

Advance registration required.
Register: Meeting Registration - Zoom 

Percentage of Rate Adjustment Used for Wages and Benefits for Direct Care Staff

Note that “Beginning January 1, 2023, Welfare and Institutions Code section 4519.10(c)(1) requires a provider that received a rate increase use no less than the percentage in the rate model for staff wages and benefits to enhance the wages and benefits of staff who spend at least 75 percent of their time providing direct services to consumers. Providers who received a rate increase are required to maintain documentation, subject to audit by the Department and regional centers, demonstrating compliance with this requirement.”


The Department has posted an online look up tool showing the required percentage applicable --

Alternative Services will be ending 12/31/2022. Billing will cease for this service type after this type. Please refer to the DDS directive from December 1, 2022 for more information. The directive can be found here Alternative Nonresidential Services (

Colleagues Working Together

Dear SDRC Service Providers!


We are excited to announce Virtual Coffee with Community Services. These virtual meet and greets are held on the last Monday of every month from

8:30 am – 9:30 am. This is an opportunity to meet with community services staff, ask questions, and discuss how we can better support our provider community. Our first one is scheduled for Monday, January 30, at 8:30. We hope to see you there!


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 840 0434 3896

One tap mobile

+16694449171,,84004343896# US

+16699006833,,84004343896# US (San Jose)

Foot Tracks on Sand



Meetings are held at 10:00 a.m. at the San Diego Regional Center, 4355 Ruffin Rd. Ste. 100, San Diego, CA 92123.


Attend in-person or via ZOOM

Thursday, April 4, 2024 

ZOOM Meeting Link:
Meeting ID: 869 1297 3518 
Passcode: Vac2024

Thursday, May 23, 2024

ZOOM Meeting Link: 
Meeting ID: 881 5527 5052 
Passcode: Vac202

Thursday, July 25, 2024

ZOOM Meeting Link: 
Meeting ID: 835 1155 5622 
Passcode: Vac2024

Thursday, September 26, 2024

ZOOM Meeting Link: 
Meeting ID: 875 6390 4113 
Passcode: Vac2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

ZOOM Meeting Link: 
Meeting ID: 879 5611 6676 
Passcode: Vac2024

Service Provider Announcements
Two Men Shaking Hands

Local Partnership Agreement (LPA)

The California Department of Education, California Department of Rehabilitation, and the California Department of Developmental Services, issued the California Competitive Integrated Employment Blueprint.


This Blueprint is a five-year initiative that is the result of the commitment between the three departments to provide opportunities for Californians with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (ID/DD), regardless of the severity of their disability, to prepare for and participate in competitive integrated employment.

Local Partnership Agreements between regional centers, local Department of Rehabilitation Districts, and LEA/school districts incorporate strategies for collaboration and coordinated service delivery to transition-aged youth who are leaving school for competitive wage employment in the local communities. Individuals with ID/DD are connected with community resources and appropriate services and supports from transition to adulthood, including benefits planning to encourage employment.

The San Diego Local Partnership Agreement can be found here.

Join Other Networks

Developmental Disabilities Provider Network

Department of Developmental Services Safety Net - Helping assure clients with developmental disabilities are safe and healthy.

Business Conference
Image by Bekir Dönmez

Home & Community Based Services

Home & Community Based Services (HCBS) Final Rule became official March 17, 2023. Providers are to be adjusting their programs to meet the 5 (residential providers 10) federal regulations. For more information regarding the current actions of SDRC’s HCBS Team go to their community resource page:


At this time SDRC is currently working on Phase 3 of the Statewide Transition Plan, which includes In-Person Monitoring Visits to all identified providers. Each provider will be assessed by using the following forms: Residential Monitoring Tool, NonResidential Monitoring Tool, and Instructions of what to expect during the visit.


Any questions regarding HCBS – please contact our team

Dear Early Start Providers,

DDS has provided a directive allowing for Early Start Services to be provided through remote services. This is a waiver that will be time limited for the period of the State of Emergency and only if the family agrees to have the services provided remotely.

1. We are not requiring a change in program design for this temporary service.

2. Before you start working remotely with the families, please contact the assigned San Diego Regional Center Service Coordinator to let them know the family has agreed to receive remote services for their child. Providers do not need to get a signature from the family to start remote services.

3. If for some reason, you are not able to, or do not wish to provide remote services, please send an email to Mary Baier

4. For any questions, please contact Rosalie Goulding.

Image by Shitota Yuri
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