We offer a variety of services to persons with developmental disabilities, their families,
and the community for residents in San Diego and Imperial Counties.
Any resident believed to have a developmental disability may receive intake services through the San Diego Regional Center. Anyone may refer a person suspected of having a developmental disability. However, a formal application must be made by an adult applicant, parent, conservator, or guardian.
Imperial County Residents: apply for services at the Regional Center office in Imperial.
San Diego County Residents: apply at the San Diego Regional Center's headquarters.
For additional assistance, check out the Department of Developmental Services Ombudsperson’s website.

What We Offer
Assessments are provided during the Intake and Assessment period to establish eligibility for Regional Center services.
Individual Program
Plan (IPP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)
Client Services
After an individual is found to be eligible for Regional Center services, a written plan is developed. This plan is called the Individual Program Plan (IPP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) for children 0-3 years of age. Both include goals and objectives designed to meet client/family needs.
The primary goal of the San Diego Regional Center is to provide support services that allow the client to live as independently as possible. To achieve this goal, service coordinators assist in securing needed services through community agencies, referral and/or purchase.
Purchase of Services
During the development of the IPP/IFSP, the planning team reviews all available community supports and may purchase services that are necessary and not available through other organizations.
These include: Adult Day Programs, Behavioral Training, Independent Living Services, Infant Programs & Services, Licensed Residential Placement (parental reimbursement fees may be required for minors), Respite Services, Supported Employment, Supported Living Services, Transportation to Work/Day Program
Community Services
SDRC Community Services staff provide public information, community education and develop needed resources.
Services for Children
Ages 0-3:
Early Intervention Services are based on the needs of the child.
Services may include: Assistive Technology, Audiology, Family Training/Counseling, Medical Services, Nursing Services, Nutrition Services, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Psychological Services, Social Work/ Service Coordination, Speech & Language, Transportation, Vision Services
Ages 3 to Adult:
Behavior Intervention Training, Dental Services (under special circumstances), Medical Services (under special circumstances), Nutrition Services, Nursing Services, Psychological Services, Residential Services (parental fee may be required), Respite, Social Work/Service Coordination, Transportation (under special circumstances)
Services for Adults
A Person-Centered Planning approach is used in making decisions regarding where a person with developmental disabilities will live and the kinds of services and supports that may be needed.
In person-centered planning, everyone who uses
regional center services has a planning team that includes the person utilizing the services, family members, regional center staff, and anyone else who is asked to be there by the individual.
The team joins together to make sure that the services
people are getting support their choices in where they want to live, how and with whom they choose to spend the day, and hopes and dreams for the future.
Please view the Department of Developmental
Services and Initiatives web page for more information.
California Early Start Program
California Early Start is a federally funded program through Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The program is designed to ensure that eligible infants and toddlers and their families receive evaluation and assessment of their current functioning and coordinated services early enough to make a difference in development.
Early intervention services are planned and delivered to help prevent or lessen the need for special services later in the child’s life. The goal is to help answer questions and concerns about each child’s development and to assure that infants and toddlers (ages 0-3 years) meet their highest potential.
Early intervention involves the prompt identification of delays and risk factors and the provision of assistance to eliminate or minimize problems resulting from them. These services are designed to meet the developmental needs of each eligible infant or toddler and the needs of the family related to their development. Services include medical diagnosis/evaluation; physical, occupational and speech therapy; special education instruction; social services, counseling and home visits.
The San Diego Regional Center provides service coordination and evaluations to determine eligibility and Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) development. The IFSP is a family focused, outcome-oriented plan written to address the infant/toddler’s developmental needs and family concerns.
Early Identification and Intervention Systems in California (Full Report) – the system of support needed to identify and address developmental and behavioral concerns and delays.
Early Identification and Intervention Systems in California (Executive Summary) – Throughout the country, there is growing recognition of the importance of healthy child development in fostering school readiness and, by extension, social and economic success as adults.
Take a Minute…Relationships Matter – social and emotional development impacts relationships and the ability to express feelings and explore the world.
Service Coordination
Birth to Three
A service coordinator is assigned to work with the child and family at the time they are referred for evaluation and assessment. They will serve as a primary point of contact for coordinating services and providing assistance to the child and family. The service coordinator is responsible for planning the development of the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and reviewing it with the family and service providers every six months. As the child approaches his or her third birthday, the service coordinator with the IFSP team will develop a plan to transition from Early Start to needed services by the age of 3.
Over Age Three
A service coordinator (also called case manager, social worker, or client program coordinator) is assigned to every person who is a client of the San Diego Regional Center. The service coordinator coordinates all the services provided by the Regional Center and answers any questions or concerns. The services provided by the regional center are individualized and depend upon your needs. Service coordinators assist families to find solutions to these specific needs.
Service coordinators also advocate for the rights of clients. Advocacy has many definitions, but certainly requires an understanding and knowledge of the rights of all citizens, the ability to encourage and support implementation of these rights in any setting, and the willingness to intervene in an appropriate manner when necessary.
Service coordinators meet in person with the clients assigned to their caseload a minimum of once a year to develop the Individualized Program Plan (IPP). The IPP meeting provides the clients and/or family to discuss concerns, future plans, and needs. The IPP can be revised/updated at any time, but MUST be updated annually.
The service coordinator works in partnership with the client and/or family to plan for the needs of the client. If you have concerns about your service coordinator, you are encouraged to contact the Program Manager for that unit and express your concerns. You may ask for another service coordinator to be assigned.

Clinical Services
The Clinical Services Department provides interdisciplinary consultation for clients, families, SDRC staff, service providers and the San Diego/Imperial County communities.
Clinical Services staff consist of psychology, medical, nursing, behavior, and nutrition specialties. They provide referrals to contracted service providers in the areas of speech/language, pharmacology, oral health, genetics, and physical and occupational therapy.
Clinical Services staff provide continuity in service planning
through the lifespan of the client. These services are
identified through the IPP/IFSP process. Clients and families
can contact their service coordinator to discuss needed
services and supports.
Paid Internship Program

What is the Paid Internship Program?
Section 4870 was added to the Welfare & Institutions Code to encourage competitive integrated employment (CIE) for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The goals of this program include the acquisition of experience and skills needed for future paid employment, typically in the same job field or industry. Internships can be traditional, or in the form of apprenticeships, including self-employment. The funds provided for the internship are used for wages (minimum wage or higher) as well as the related payroll costs. Each individual client is eligible for up to 1,040 hours per calendar year. Each PIP request is predicated on the person-centered planning process.
Who is Eligible?
Any San Diego Regional Center client who is eligible for employment (18 and older) with eligibility to work and expresses a desire to be employed. Clients also need to be able to travel independently or have some dependable transportation (ADA Paratransit, Uber/Lyft, family member, etc.).
Regional centers are now permitted to provide paid internships to transition-aged students aged 18-22 while maintaining their eligibility for school services. This must be determined by both the IEP and IPP planning teams.
How Does it Work?
Through the IPP team meeting, the client expresses a desire to work and ideally shows the motivation to obtain competitive integrated employment.
The IPP team needs to identify the following:
a) Purpose of the internship (learning work-related tasks and/or appropriate communication skills, gaining practical work experience for resume development, obtaining competency in a selected trade, or preparation to start a business).
b) An approved agency/vendor who will facilitate the internship placement and on-going supports.
c) Number of hours for the internship and completion date.
d) Goals for the IPP or IPP Addendum (one for the paid internship, one for the on-going agency supports).
e) SDRC uses an FMS/Co-Employer agency that manages the internship funding and pays the intern the wages. They also handle all of the related payroll costs, Workers Compensation, and will provide SDRC annual data on the internships.
The FMS Provider will vary depending on the agency that is used for job coaching/support. The advantages of using an FMS/Co-Employer are many, primarily to relieve the actual employer or our vendor from becoming the “employer–of-record”; however, it does require more forms and documents to complete initially, and most of these have to be signed by the participant/client. For more information contact Michelle Flores, Employment Services Coordinator (Community Services).